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Cinema Minima

Intelligence and connection for movie makers worldwide

Spreading the revolutionary gospel that great movie makers can flourish far from the established capitals of the film industry, Cinema Minima for Movie Makers Worldwide provided encouragement as well as market intelligence for midcareer film professionals on five continents.

The publication led thirty accredited correspondents—reporting from film markets and film festivals across Africa, Asia, Europe, India, North America, and South America—to win a worldwide audience that made it the most-visited filmmaker website in the world in 2005 (according to Amazon’s “Alexa” rating service).

Career connections were supported with Cinema Minima: Far from Hollywood networking events in Paris and in Mumbai. Provocative industry insights were promoted with its “Sustainable Cinema” educational inititiative.

CINEMA MINIMA developed the first filmmaker-news app for iPhone, and produced the first filmmaker-news podcast.


CINEMA MINIMA in­form­ed, con­nec­ted, and de­light­ed movie makers a­round the world from 1997 to 2015.

The online publication promoted the in­terests and as­pira­tions of mid­ca­reer pro­fes­sion­als who make movies far from Holly­wood. Among CINEMA MINIMA’s audience, sixty-six percent of its members pursue their careers out­side the United States.

CINEMA MINIMA’s thirty, in­ter­na­tion­al cor­res­pon­dents—working as ac­cred­it­ed press in Africa, Asia, Europe, India, North America, and South A­meri­ca—filed reports in a 24-hour-a-day, on­line news­room, cov­er­ing film mar­kets and film festi­vals around the world.

In 2005, was the most popular movie-maker web­site in the world—attracting more daily visitors than the websites of In­die­Wire, Variety, or The Hol­ly­wood Re­port­er, according to Amazon’s “Alexa” ranking service.

In 2005, CINEMA MINIMA published the first podcast for movie makers. In 2007, it launched the first filmmaker-news app for iPhone. In that same year, it began its education initiative, “Sustainable Cinema,” and its out­reach program, “Far from Hollywood,” a sea­son of mix­ers for film­mak­ers in Paris, France, and in Mumbai, India.

CINEMA MINIMA was founded in 1997 by Clarence “Austin” Burbridge, its executive ed­it­or (editor in chief) and publisher.


CINEMA MINIMA will resume serving its worldwide constituency of movie makers in 2025.